Specific Measures of Human Rights Policy

1. Creating a safe and healthy working environment
- For on-site health management services, the specific description is as follows:
    1. Employing physicians every year and nurses every month to provide health services to the employees, including the implementation of the four major plans, employee health check-up consultation, ergonomic prevention recommendations, etc.
    2. Having physicians and nurses to inspect the workplace environment and assist in improvement.
    3. Offering smoking cessation appointment and counseling.
- The four major plans of on-site health services include "ergonomic hazard prevention plan", "abnormal workload-promoted disease prevention plan", "illegal infringement prevention plan", and "maternal health protection plan". The relevant description is as follows:
    1. For the prevention of ergonomic and abnormal work, physicians and nurses are hired to evaluate the workplace environment and meet employees for health checkups.
    2. For the illegal infringement part, regular publicity and publications are provided to help employees understand the importance of illegal infringement; education and training on illegal infringement for supervisors is provided to strengthen the awareness of prevention; a complaint hotline is provided for reporting illegal infringement in the workplace.
    3. For the maternal health protection part, classified management is carried out to categorize environmental and occupational hazards; nurses are hired to assess the workplace environment for maternal health and provide consultation; baby-feeding room is established.
- Providing workplace environment review, conducting fire testing and providing employee health checks every year.
- Formulating safety and health rules for occupational safety and health measures, regularly maintaining and inspecting machinery, equipment or appliances with contracted manufacturers; setting up medical kits and hiring first-aid personnel as well as strengthening the reporting mechanism; having CO2 and office illumination inspections; comprehensively reviewing factory compliance requirements, completing statutory matters, and regularly announcing health and education publications
- Fire Safety: Hiring professional fire-fighting consultants to complete fire-fighting items according to law, such as proposing fire-fighting protection plans and training of fire-fighting teams, and having fire-fighting managers.

2. Discrimination of any kind is prohibited, equal employment opportunities are ensured.
- Race, religion, belief, gender, marital or childbearing status, age, political background, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, constellation, blood type, etc. are not used as criteria for company recruitment, appointment, and promotion.
- Education and training for new recruits include confidentiality, sexual harassment prevention, anti-discrimination, anti-harassment, guarantee of humane treatment, etc.

3. Forced labor and child labor are prohibited.
- Prohibiting the employment of child laborers under the age of 16, and verifying the identity of new recruits.
- Employees are not forced or coerced to perform labor. The regulations on working hours, overtime, day-offs, special day-offs and various kinds of leave of employees are in compliance with relevant laws and regulations

4. Providing fair and reasonable wages and working conditions.
- Wages and working conditions are in compliance with the Labor Standards Act and other related regulations.
- Formulating employee welfare management measures in accordance with the law, and setting up a welfare committee to provide employees with subsidies superior to national laws and regulations, such as employees holding tailgating or annual party, providing festival coupons, bonuses, employee travel subsidies, employee and children's education allowances, etc., to create happy business and working environment.

5. Respecting employees’ rights, employees are free to associate according to law.
- Encouraging employees to set up clubs and engage in healthy activities.

6. Establishing a smooth communication channel, and holding regular labor-management meetings to ensure the rights and interests of both parties.
- Providing special complaint hotlines for illegal infringement, sexual harassment prevention and other complaints.
- Regularly reviewing and updating the company's personnel regulations, and amending laws in response to labor laws.

7. Fully protecting the privacy rights of customers and all stakeholders, establishing a sound information security management mechanism and following strict control regulations and protection measures.
- Providing education and training on insider trading and business secrets under the Securities Exchange Act.
- Promoting honesty and ethics on a regular basis to create a good workplace environment.
-TUL recognizing and referencing international human rights conventions such as the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 'United Nations Global Compact' and 'UN Guiding Principles.'
-Every year, our company focuses on significant social issues, evaluates potential risks, and plans educational training and advocacy activities, while continuously monitoring and improving them. We hold training related to integrity management, which includes corporate governance guidelines, sustainable development practices, the code of integrity management, and the code of ethical conduct. In 2024, a total of 597 employees participated in these training sessions, accumulating 408 hours of training. Looking ahead, we remain committed to furthering our efforts in this area, with a strong focus on upholding human rights protection and raising awareness as our core goal.