Supporting National Taiwan University of Science and Technology’s (NTUST) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program for Foreign Talents

    In view of the lack of entrepreneurial resources for foreign students in Taiwan, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), which has the largest number of foreign graduate students, initiated the "Global Talent Entrepreneurship Program (GTEP)" this year, focusing on foreign students in Taiwan. The program is not limited to NTUST students, providing 6-month free entrepreneurship training and one-on-one English tutoring, attracting 10 teams from 13 countries and 8 schools to participate.
    The program was sponsored by 3 alumni companies, including TUL Corporation, Acon-Holding Inc. and Co-Action Corporation that sponsor entrepreneurship incentives. Recently, 2 excellent teams and 1 outstanding team were selected and received a total of NT$45,000 sponsorship. The winning teams are AFA, Myogai, and Eatzi. In the future, the Training Center will connect NTUST and alumni resources to provide continuous guidance for commercialization.
